More than 1,000 students pledge not to work at Google and Amazon due to Project Nimbus

No Tech for Apartheid (NOTA), a coalition of tech workers demanding that major tech companies cancel their contracts with the Israeli government, is close to achieving its goal. campaign asks students not to work with Google and Amazon. whom Wired More than 1,100 people, who identified themselves as STEM students and youth workers, have reportedly vowed to refuse jobs from companies that “strengthen Israel’s apartheid system and commit genocide against Palestinians.” According to its website, NOTA’s goal is to collect 1,200 signatures for the campaign.

“As young people and students in STEM and beyond, we refuse to participate in these horrific abuses. We join the #NoTechForApartheid campaign to demand that Amazon and Google end Project Nimbus immediately,” the pledge reads. Google and Amazon have won a $1.2 billion contract under Project Nimbus to provide cloud computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence services to the Israeli government and military. Formerly a Google spokesperson he denied the company’s Nimbus contract deals with “highly sensitive, classified or military workloads related to weapons or intelligence services.”

As two of the largest technology companies on the planet, Google and Amazon are also two of the largest employers of STEM graduates. Wired says the campaign’s pledgers include undergraduate and graduate students from Stanford, UC Berkeley, the University of San Francisco and San Francisco State University — institutions located in the same state as Google’s headquarters.

NOTA has also organized protests in the past against tech companies’ ties to Israel, including sit-ins and office takeovers involving Google. dismissed dozens of employees. He was one of its organizers in March Banned from Google After one of its executives interrupted an Israeli technology conference in New York and loudly declared that he refused to “build technology that enhances genocide or surveillance.”

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