Snap brings its AR lenses to Chrome through an extension

In 2020, when we’re all stuck at home and have to be on video calls all day, some companies with augmented reality filters and background replacements. Maybe they made someone, somewhere smile a time or two. While it’s hard to argue that they’ve lifted most people out of the doom and gloom of the pandemic, the filters have largely stuck.

In Snap’s case, that’s not entirely true. The company had it Contains AR folders, but this . Now, Snap is bringing AR lenses to the desktop in a different way — via a Google Chrome extension.

It can activate AR lenses directly on your webcam. They can then be used for video calls, live broadcasts, video recordings, and more. you can use for Unlike the previous desktop app, you have to sign in with your Snapchat account to use lenses. You can hire any employee special lenses you create too.

Bringing lenses to Chrome would give you a bit more flexibility, but they weren’t exactly visible on the desktop. Microsoft Teams started using filters last year.

AR lenses have long been ingrained in Snapchat’s identity. They are one of the key features that help the app stand out alongside the early selling point of ephemeral visual messaging. So it makes sense for Snap to use them in as many areas as possible. While the lenses can liven things up a bit when you’re on a Discord call with friends, it’s hard to imagine everyone having a shooting star effect or a virtual frog head during a serious conference call.

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