Spotify tests AI-generated playlists based on text prompts

Spotify has been following the lead of many companies and stepping into its world over the past year AI warns. The announced the platform AI PlaylistA new beta feature that allows you to create playlists with a few words that tap into your desired musical vibe, such as “indie folk playlist to give my brain a big warm hug.”

According to Spotify, the AI ​​will accept prompts that include things like playlist animals, movie characters, colors, places, activities and emojis. examples from Spotify covers everything from “sad music to paint fading flowers” to “relaxing music that cheers me up during allergy season.” It recommends using a mix of features in your command to create the ideal playlist for your vibe.

AI Playlist beta version available Premium subscribers On Android and iOS devices in the UK and Australia. If you fall into that group, log in with the “+” button at the top right of your library. Click AI Playlist and select an existing command or create your own. Spotify will create a playlist and you can preview it, delete tracks and submit notes. Once you’re happy, click Create and it will be saved to your library.

Spotify’s AI Playlist comes more than a year after Spotify’s launch AI DJ, brings together music you’re currently listening to, music you’ve played in the past, and songs it thinks you’ll like based on your history. If the songs being played don’t quite match your mood, then you can ask the DJ to change things up.

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