More news organizations sue OpenAI and Microsoft over copyright infringement

Legal claims begin collect Against Microsoft and OpenAI, three other news sites have sued the firms for copyright infringement. The Verge informed. The Intercept, Raw Story and AlterNet It filed separate lawsuits accusing ChatGPT of “verbatim or near-verbatim” reproduction of news content, in addition to removing important attributes such as the author’s name.

The sites, all represented by the same law firm, said that if ChatGPT had been trained on copyright material, it would have “learned to convey that information when providing responses.” Raw Story and AlterNet added that OpenAI and Microsoft should be aware that the chatbot will be less popular and less profitable if “users believe that ChatGPT responses infringe on third-party copyrights.”

News organizations point out in the lawsuit that OpenAI offers an opt-out system for website owners, meaning the company should be aware of potential copyright violations. Microsoft and OpenAI have also said that they will defend customers against legal claims of copyright infringement arising from the use of their products, and will even cover the costs incurred.

Late last year, The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft are “seeking to hold them liable for billions of dollars in statutory and actual damages” for copyright infringement, it said. OpenAI asked the court to dismiss this claim NYT exploited a ChatGPT bug that made articles read verbatim.

Companies also face lawsuits many non-fiction authors accused them of “massive and willful theft of copyrighted works” and by the comedian Sarah Silverman on similar claims.

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