The UK moves another step closer to banning phones in schools

Cell phone ownership has become standard for people of most ages, and while the convenience is debated, experts and regulators have expressed concerns about children’s well-being and distraction while learning. To this end, the UK government announced the latest guidelines for banning the use of phones during school hours. It follows other European countries France and Italy, which banned phones in classrooms.

Some schools in the UK already have a no-phone policy, but these guidelines could bring widespread acceptance and uniformity. “This is about achieving clarity and consistency in practice, supporting headteachers and leaders and giving staff the confidence to act,” said Gillian Keegan, the UK’s secretary of state for education. release. “Today’s children are growing up in an increasingly complex world, living their lives online and offline. This presents many exciting opportunities as well as challenges. By banning cell phones, schools can create a safe and calm environment free of distractions so that all students can experience what all students deserve.” they deserve education”.

to work UK government encourages schools to create their own policies, outlines several common options. The first and most extreme is the complete ban on cell phones from school buildings. However, the guidance acknowledges that this may cause complications or risks for children when traveling to and from school. The next option solves this problem when picking up phones. It suggests that students hand in their phones when they come to school.

Then there’s the locker route, where phones are strictly kept in students’ lockers or personal storage they get at school. While this allows students to store their device, it cannot be used at any time of the day, even when accessing the locker during breaks. The last option is in line with what many schools are doing – allow students to keep their phones in their bags, but they must be turned off and never accessed.

The leader also recommends teaching students about the potentially harmful effects of cell phones on young people. Study after study has found that social media, in particular can have a negative impact on the mental health of young people. The UK government claims that as well as tackling the social media problem, restricting phone use can increase students’ concentration, active time and face-to-face time with peers.

Parents are encouraged to contact the school directly, rather than a personal phone number, to contact their child. The guide also encourages parents to discuss the rules at home and again the risks of the phone and internet.

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