Uber, Lyft and DoorDash drivers are striking on February 14

Some airports may be difficult to travel on Valentine’s Day this year. Thousands of rideshare and delivery drivers Uber, Lyft and DoorDash plans to demonstrate on February 14 to demand fair wages and better safety measures. Reuters. The strike was announced last week by Justice for App Workers, a coalition representing more than 100,000 rideshare and delivery drivers in the United States.

based on the group’s page for the rally, workers participating in the demonstration will not travel to and from any airports in Austin, Chicago, Hartford, Miami, Newark, Orlando, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Rhode Island and Tampa. The coalition is asking drivers to join the event and “demand changes that benefit Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and all software companies. [their] hard work.” Meanwhile, Rideshare Drivers UnitedThe independent union of Uber and Lyft drivers in Los Angeles announced that its members are shutting down their apps on February 14 to protest “significant pay cuts.” [they’ve] everyone felt this winter.”

While the strikes could see tens of thousands of workers participate, Uber believes it won’t affect its business because only a small percentage of its drivers typically take part in demonstrations. This was reported by the company Hill and CBS News that a similar protest last year had not affected its operations and that driver earnings remained “strong.” In the fourth quarter of 2023, “drivers in the U.S. earned about $33 per hour driven,” the spokeswoman said.

The groups announced the strike days after Lyft promised providing weekly earnings to its drivers across the country, ensuring drivers earn at least 70 percent of what they pay. DoorDash did not respond to the publication’s requests for comment, but it currently pays its drivers $29.93 per active hour in states with minimum wage requirements for app-based delivery workers. Recently introduced new fees For clients in New York and Seattle in response to new minimum wage regulations.

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