Vibrating belt that treats low bone density gets FDA approval

there is for a medical device called vibration belt that improves bone density in patients with . The device, developed in part by California-based startup Bone Health Technologies is the first medical device to receive regulatory approval as a treatment option for postmenopausal women.

menopausal sufferers get osteoporosis (a disease that occurs after long-term and untreated osteopenia) characterized by porous bones that break easily. The Osteoboost Belt is designed to prevent bone density from reaching that stage through early intervention. It works by mechanically stimulating the strength of the bones in a user’s hips and spine, preventing the breakdown of bone density from further progressing. The blueprint for technology comes from it research investigating ways to prevent the loss of bone density mainly in zero-gravity environments where degradation is a concern.

To take full effect, the belt should be worn for 30 minutes every day or at least five times a week. It emits a gentle vibration that makes it easy to wear anywhere or anytime, such as when walking the dog or doing the dishes. During clinical trials, CT scans showed that bone density visually improved over time after the belt was integrated into the patient’s care plan. NIH-supported women aged 50 to 60 lost 3.4 percent of their bone density at the end of 12 months with no intervention, while patients who wore the belt lost only 0.5 percent of their bone strength.

Current standards of care for the prevention of osteoporosis in the osteopenic stage are based A well-balanced and calcium-rich diet, frequent weight-bearing exercises, and reducing the risk of falls can be difficult to follow. “While lifestyle interventions such as exercise and diet are beneficial to bone, they have little effect. Osteoboost promises to slow the loss of bone density and strength and may fill the treatment gap,” said researcher Laura Bilek, who studied the belt’s effectiveness. .

Osteoboost is not for sale yet, but you can be notified when you sign up A company representative said they will start shipping later this year and will be accepting pre-orders for the next few months. While pricing has yet to be announced, a representative told Engadget that the belt will be “affordable and accessible to the millions of patients who need it.” You need a prescription from your doctor to get the device – so the price can vary depending on insurers and co-pays. Bone Health Technology said it is currently negotiating with insurers regarding medical device coverage. The price forecast could have changed dramatically, CEO Laura Yecies said three years ago NS Medical Devices he believed the device could debut .

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