Instagram will start telling night owl teens to close the app and go to sleep

has unveiled its latest mindfulness feature aimed at teenagers. A young user likes when he scrolls for more than 10 minutes or their direct messages, the app will prompt them to close the app and go to sleep.

These “Night Shows” will automatically appear on teen accounts and cannot be turned off. Instagram hasn’t specified whether the feature will be enabled for all teens or just those under 18.

According to Instagram, the idea is to give teens who aren’t already using it reminders to turn off features like One Break for the night. “We want teens to leave Instagram feeling like their time on the app was meaningful and purposeful, and we know that sleep is especially important for teens,” Instagram said.

The new tool follows other features Instagram has rolled out to help teens and their parents manage the time they spend on the app. Along with and this includes likes . The latter allows teens to mute notifications, auto-reply to messages, and let friends and followers know they’re unavailable and busy doing something else, like studying or sleeping.

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