Apple updates US App Store guidelines allowing developers to link to third-party payments

Apple is relaxing a key App Store rule that has long frustrated developers. The iPhone maker will allow US developers to link to third-party websites for in-app purchases, according to the company’s updated developer release.

The change comes shortly after the United States Supreme Court A request for reconsideration of a lower court ruling that required Apple to allow developers to direct customers to alternative payment methods. The change only applies to iOS and iPadOS apps in US app stores, and developers are still required to pay a fee for in-app purchases not made through the App Store.

It appears that Apple will continue to strictly control payments even under the new rules. according to , developers will need Apple’s approval before using the new rule, and app makers will only be allowed to inform users about alternative payment methods in specific ways. For example, the company’s guidelines for developers stipulate that links can only be displayed once in an app and only in a “single, dedicated location.” App developers are also prohibited from using in-app pop-ups or listing external payments in the App Store listing.

The company also officially requires developers to pay a commission for purchases made outside of the App Store. The commission is set at 12 percent for developers who are part of the small business program and 27 percent for larger developers. However, as 9-5Mac , the company may face some difficulties in meeting these conditions. In court filings, the company argued that collecting the fees would be “extremely difficult and in many cases impossible.”

Still, the change is a significant concession for Apple, which has long been criticized by developers over its App Store rules. The company’s policy prohibits developers from contacting users about alternative (and often cheaper) payment methods of Epic vs. Apple Trial in 2021. The company earlier some of these rules are after and after the trial from the developers.


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